Jericho J6GL2020 alto saxophone
China (
Guide price: £329
Weight: 2.45kg
Date of manufacture: June 2012
Date reviewed: July 2012 / October
An Ultra-Cheap alto with a lot to shout
It's been a tough time lately for the Academy brand. For a few
years now it's been a source of decent budget-priced student instruments
that have been quietly selling without making too much of a fuss.
But last year the company suffered a fire at its warehouse (the
place next door caught fire) and business took a bit of a nose-dive
as the company rushed around trying to find a new place to relocate
to. They did this...and guess what...another fire.
At this point most people would have taken it as a divine message
and given up, but like the Phoenix from the ashes (well, two of
them I suppose) they rose up and carried on.
I asked them why - given that things are pretty tough in retail
at the moment, particularly in the music business - and the answer
that came back was "Because we love doing this!" Can't
say fairer than that.
It also gave them the chance to check out the manufacturers to
see what was new on the market. Unlike some retailers of ultra-cheap
instruments, Academy has always picked a manufacturer and stuck
with them - developing a relationship, feeding back comments and
working to improve the standard of the product. The best retailers
all share this methodology, and while it doesn't make for the quickest
'buck' it nevertheless builds a loyal customer-base. However, it's
equally wise to keep an eye on what's new - and to recognise when
it's time to move on.
Their last premium horn, the Scholarship Series, was pretty good
- a no-nonsense sax that easily held it own against the competition,
so I was keen to see how the new '2012' series would compare.
The most notable change is the design of the horn. Most, if not
all, of the ultra-cheap horns are 'based' on one of the main brands
- such as Selmer or Yamaha. I say 'based' because simply having
a few obvious similarities (such as the design and layout of the
keys) is no guarantee that the body is anywhere near a copy. In
fact it's not uncommon to find that a factory will make several
models, each of which is claimed to be 'a close representation'
of a well-known brand, but when pressed they grudgingly admit that
the body tubes are identical throughout the range.
Clearly this horn takes a lot of inspiration from a Yamaha, a YAS62
no less - at least if you look at it from a distance.
The construction of the body is semi-ribbed; there's a rib that
runs down the length of the entire upper stack, which keeps on going
down to the side F# and continues all the way to the low C upper
pillar. The bottom stack, in contrast, uses individual pillars.
It comes with all mod cons - a detachable bell, adjustable thumb
hook (plastic), removable side F# key guard, top F# key a decently-sized
cling ring and a large, very slightly domed plastic thumb rest.
The tone holes were nice and level, though one or two of them could
have been slightly better finished off - I noted a touch of roughness
to the rims in places.
The finish was very good though, a nice, neat coat of lacquer on
the body over a set of neatly fitted pillars. This example was laser
engraved with a logo, but I'm told that this is being changed to
a stamped logo. It makes no difference to the horn other than it
looks a bit neater - and as laser engraving is often cut through
the lacquer it will mean that there's less chance of oxidisation
forming around the cuts over time.
While I'm on the subject, the bell key compound pillar is mounted
on a single pillar with quite a small base. I was about to cry 'Aha!
This is a weakness!" and then realised that it's exactly the
same as the one on my Yamaha 62 - and that hasn't been fallen off
in over 25 I suppose I can't complain.
Holding it all together is an oval two-point bell stay. A three-point
stay would have been my favourite, but altos are quite small and
light and don't suffer from as many hard knocks as the larger saxes.
keywork was particularly good. Not only was it quite neatly made,
it was well finished with a coat of nickel plate and, more importantly,
quite snug on the pivots. This is where a lot of cheap instruments
fall down - the looks are good, the keys are tidy, but everything
wobbles about.
Not so on this horn - I had to look quite hard before I found a
slight wobble (on the top B key), but it really was quite slight
and presented no problems with regard to playability.
I felt the octave key mechanism had a touch of free play on the
swivel pin, but it was borderline - and more than accommodated for
by the slickness of the rest of the mechanism.
There's a teardrop shaped front top F touchpiece that's nicely placed,
simple but effective fork and pin connectors for the side Bb and
C keys, regulation adjusters on both main stacks and a quick check
with the screwdriver showed that all the screwed-on key arm pins
were nice and tight (often a failure point on ultra-cheap horns).
Of special note, to me anyway, was that the corkwork was quite neat
- and thin felts had been using to buffer the regulation screws.
That's a nice touch, as is the use of felt for the bell key bumpers
rather than a lump of hard rubber or squishy foam.
As you'd expect at this price point, the point screws are of the
pseudo type (as fitted to rather more expensive horns these days),
but because the key barrels haven't been drilled too deeply they're
able to function as proper point screws. This means that at a later
date it will be possible to take up a little wear and tear by reaming
the pillars.
Topping off the action is a reasonable set of pads - which were
quite well set - and a set of blued steel springs to power the action.
Finally, it comes in a standard semi-soft zip-fastened case - which
is light and functional.
the hands the horn felt very comfortable. Of particular note was
the placement of the bell key spatulas and the low C/Eb touchpieces
- all within easy reach. This bodes well for players with smaller
hands and should make this an easy horn for youngsters to handle.
Another consideration is the weight. At 2.45kg this is one of the
lighter horns on the market. Some people associate a lack of weight
with a lack of build quality - which leaves them a bit of explaining
to do when told that the Yamaha YAS275 alto tips the scales at just
2.3kg...and if their reply is "Well that just proves my point!"
you can tell them that the Selmer MKVI weighed the
same. And you can add "So there!", just for good measure.
On average it makes this sax about 150 grammes lighter than most
of the competition in the same price range, which might not sound
like a great deal but is actually quite significant if you're a
young player with a big lump of brass hanging from your neck.
The set up was quite good too, with the main stack keys being evenly
sprung with a medium-firm tension. Being picky I would say that
I would liked to have seen the palm keys sprung just a tad lighter,
but then there's some merit in having these set a little firmer
for beginners...they often rest their hand on these keys, which
opens them unexpectedly and leads to a lot of very strange noises.
Best of all, I didn't have to make any adjustments to the regulation
- the horn played right out of the box.
As soon as I blew this horn I recognised it. It had that same punch,
clarity and response you get from a Yamaha. This surprised me, given
what I'd said earlier about copies not quite being copies - but
there's no denying that there's definitely a 'chip off the old block'
thing going on. It's like a breath a fresh air, and in quite a literal
sense. When compared side-by-side with a couple of other ultra-cheap
horns, the Academy was by far and away the easiest to play and the
most 'alive'. However, it doesn't resort to a tendency to be over-bright
to achieve this - tonewise it still retains plenty of depth, it
just strips away the muddiness that a lot of cheaper horns can suffer
It's a fresh, invigorating tone - it's like a playful puppy, it
has that sense of gentle can almost hear it saying
"Play another note! Play another note!"
I really liked this. There are a lot of decent horns out there that
can be bought for just a few hundred pounds, and I'd be more than
happy to use on of them on a gig - they'd do the job, no problem
at all - but I'd enjoy playing one of these.
The tone was nice and even across the range too, and there were
no issues with regard to tuning...even on the altissimo notes.
I tried the mouthpiece that came with the sax. It was passable,
but this horn really does deserve something rather better. A Yamaha
3C or 4C would make a lot of difference for a very small additional
A couple of weeks after I posted this review I had a client bring
in a copper plated version (with clear lacquer over the top), bearing
the new stamped logo. I was very keen to see this as I've often
seen major differences in the build quality between sample and production
runs. I had a good look over the horn but couldn't find any notable
differences, which bodes well for consistency.
When all is said and done I was very pleased with this horn. Yes,
I found a few niggles to complain about - but nothing very serious,
and certainly nothing I'd quibble about at the price. Better still
though, I found rather a lot more to like. In every respect it's
a good cut above the ultra-cheap horns around the £200 mark,
and perfectly fills the gap before you get into the Bauhaus Walstein
price range.
Of particular note is Academy's returns policy; where most retailers
in the business give you 14 days to make up your mind as to whether
you want to keep the instrument or return it for a refund, Academy
give you 30 days. It just makes things a bit more relaxed for the
buyer, and that's always a good thing.
Given the design of this saxophone, the build quality, its response
and playability, the price and that very generous returns policy,
I'd say it all adds up to the best value-for-money package in this
October 2019:
It's been a while since we've heard anything about the Jericho
horns, and this is because the owner of the company got rather fed
up of with all the issues surrounding the business of dealing with
Chinese manufacturers whilst trying to maintain some sort of consistency.
They're not alone - a great many owners of similar companies have
given up in despair - but I'm pleased to say that the Jericho is
Why am I pleased? I always liked this horn - probably because I
always liked the Yamaha 62 (on which this horn is 'loosely' based)
- but I also liked the ethos of the company, given that they actually
give a damn about the products they sell.
The decision to bring the Jericho back to market comes with a few
changes though. In the past the company (under the Academy name)
had a broad portfolio, dealing in anything from tubas to tenor saxes,
flutes to flugelhorn...and piccolos to, well, you get the picture.
Managing an inventory that vast was quite a lot of work for a small
team, and so the reintroduction of the brand (under its new company,
Jericho Saxophones) focuses on just alto and tenor saxes. For the
time being.
I think it's a smart move. With many of the other brands having
disappeared from the market, there's so little competition out there.
If you need a budget horn you're pretty much stuck with whatever
Gear4Music have on offer, or the Sakkusu - both of which
are OK as far as the genre goes, but nothing terribly exiting (especially
since the Gear4Music ditched its Yani copy for their budget range
and took on something more Selmer-like). Where the Jericho wins
out is in its inherent playability - which made it quite a popular
horn, even among those players who already had a horn or two going
spare. It's essentially a "poor man's Yamaha", which is
quite a good selling point - both in terms of the ergonomic and
the horn's free-blowing liveliness.
a design perspective there appears to be little change from the
last available model (the copper-coloured model, above). Indeed,
the only significant difference I could find was the rather generously-proportioned
crook clamp screw. It really is a hefty bit of kit, which will make
it a great deal easier for little hands to tighten up. On the flip
side (there's always a flip side), it'll make it easier for older
players to really scrunch down on the screw...which is unnecessary,
and could lead to the clamp stretching (assuming the screw didn't
break first). Just go carefully.
As for build quality, well, it's unashamedly an Ultra-Cheap horn
- and for the asking price you're not going to get perfection -
but I didn't spot any significant problems with the body construction,
and the action was actually rather nice and tight. As with all cheap
horns you could improve it further with an hour's worth of tweakery.
The mouthpiece is a cut above the usual fare. I'm told it's based
on the Yamaha 4C, which is good basic piece for beginners. Rather
than the usual plastic it's made of some sort of hard granular compound
which resembles Ebonite - though as a scratch, burn 'n sniff test
proved, it ain't Ebonite.
It seems to be quite well made; the table's been machined nice and
flat, and the rails are even. It blows well too - not too warm,
not to bright.
What remains to be seen is how consistent the brand remains over
time. It's a common problem with Ultra-Cheap horns, but there's
at least some reassurance in the guise of the company's policy of
checking their horns out before they're sold...and that doesn't
mean just opening the case and looking at them.
It'll also be interesting to see how it fares against the competition.
It goes head-to-head with the Sakkusu on price - and while this
horn comes with a Yamaha mouthpiece and a tuition DVD, the build
quality (at least on the tenors I've seen) is average for the genre
and the design the horn is based on means it's not going to be as
vibrant and punchy as the Jericho (the tenor certainly isn't).
Gear4Music offer two contenders - a basic model at around £250
and a deluxe one at £400. The cheaper model looks to be a
Selmer-style copy - like the Sakkusu - but the pricier one seems
to be based on the Yamaha design....and up against the Jericho it
gets punished on price.
I doubt it'll be plain sailing for the Jericho brand to muscle
its way back into the market, but it did very well in the past due
to it being recommended by teachers and players alike...and new
buyers tend to place quite a lot of value on something like that.
It's also quite a light horn, which really makes a difference for
young players.